310 Nutrition/Weight Loss journey

Like many of you, I follow my favorite “famous” individuals on Facebook and Instagram. A few have put their stamp of approval on the 310 Nutrition brand. Which has recently caught my eye, as I am struggling with loosing weight. Of course, the constant food that I am shoving into my mouth on a daily basis is not helping in that matter.

To be semi fair, I have been struggling with unknown medical issues over the past year and a half, which have developed into underlining depression issues. When I don’t feel well or I am just feeling down, anxious, overwhelmed, or am just plain being a fatty, I stuff my face with anything and everything that I can find! When this occurs, which is more and more lately, I blame this on my alter ego “Fatty Patty”. She is viscous and unforgiving and you should never get in her way!!

Anywhoo, I am at the point where I have to do something! Self-control is clearly NOT an option in this matter!! So, I ordered my first starter kit from the 310nutrition.com website. I liked the option because you get 6 shakes (different flavors) an “ultra portable shaker cup”, a personal health consultant, meal plan E-book and a $10.00 gift card. Now because like I said, I LIKE TO BUY THINGS,  I also bought a shake variety box (which I just realized was only a 12 serving box and not a 30 day… don’t know how I missed that, ooppss!! Lol) Shipping Takes about a week, so March 1, 2019 is my official first day on the shakes!!

Now, after I placed my order, I received my $10.00 e-gift card! Alright!! Let’s buy more!!

If I am going to start this new weight loss adventure, I need to do this right, sooo, I went back to the 310-nutrition website and decided to get the detox tea in the peach flavor. I decided it would be beneficial to start the detox tea prior to receiving my 310 shake order so I selected the two business day shipping.

I will update you guys once I receive the products and will bring you along on my weight loss journey! Please keep I mind that I am no sponsored or affiliated with any products at this time. These are my personal experiences and opinions about this product

Hello world!

Welcome to YoYo’s Adventures!!!

Follow me as I “attempt” to tackle my life like a champ!!!

Just a little information about me!! My name is Yolaunda, AKA YoYo, I am a multi generation Nevada Native. Not Las Vegas, Nevada, but Carson City, Nevada. The Nevada that has the beautiful Lake Tahoe in my back yard, not literally, its like 20 minutes away! I do visit Las Vegas every once in awhile..

I have two kids. One almost 16 year old and one 3 year old. I love them to pieces but they drive me crazy and I do not know what I am doing half the time when it comes to raising them! You will get to see that proof, right here in this blog!! I have been married to my husband for 4 years and together for 6 years. I like being a wife and I hope every day that I am doing that right lol!

I love to buy things!! Especially new products, you know, the ones that you constantly see on social media and wonder to your self “Should I? Do you think it works? Look at these reviews! They are all great, it must be a great product, I am going to try it!!” I will share my experience with these products and give my “oh so important” opinion on them!

With all of this I will also be blogging about my personal struggle with depression and anxiety.

I hope you enjoy my journey!